The 2019 Norfolk Punt Club calendar features photographs of member’s boats sailing, club activities, local wildlife and some of the features which make Barton Broad so special: ideal for your kitchen or office wall, or send to friends and family in far off places.
The calendar costs £7 and all profits will go to Club funds.
Postage and packing will cost an extra £2 for a single calendar (This is actual cost with no profit to the club). If you would like more sent by post, then please contact the Hon Sec.
A initial print order has been given and we anticipate that the calendars will be available both at Club events from mid-September, the Athene Cup and AGM and from the Hon Sec in Barton Turf. A further print run will be made later to meet demand.
The calendar was displayed at the Regatta where it received much praise.
Order yours now by contacting the Hon Secretary at
No payment please at the moment.