2025 Diary

2025 Sunday sailing programme
This programme will be used for the majority of Sundays through the season. However, when there is an open event taking place, series 1 will be cancelled and racing will commence at 13.25 with Series 2. This will apply on Sundays: May 11th, June 7th & June 14th. There is a different programme on August 18th, following the Punt Championships, starting at 14.00.
There are two chances to have a tow or lift out to the pontoons, at 10.45am and 12.30pm, leaving from the club moorings beyond the BTAC Staithe, Barton Turf.
Fast Handicap races – for boats with Portsmouth Number under 1200
Slow Handicap races – for boats with Portsmouth Number 1200 & over
Series 1
11.30 Combined Allcomers No handicap limit
Competing for Stella Challenge Cup or Watson trophy
Series 2
Combined Allcomers – 2 starts
13.25 Faster Boats Handicap under 1200
13.30 Slower Boats Handicap 1200 & over
Competing for Flag Officers Tankards & Roberts Trophy (Allcomers less punts)
Series 3
14.30 YBODs Competing for the Silver Blue Trophy
14.35 Faster Boats Handicap under 1200
Competing for Gun Cup / Pintail Challenge Cup / Hardchine Salver (Punts) / Wilson Tankard (Allcomers)
14.40 Slower Boats Handicap 1200 & over
Competing for Virden Tankard (U14) or Wilson Tankard (Allcomers)
Series 4
Combined Allcomers – 2 starts 16.00 Faster Boats Handicap under 1200
Competing for Moonraker Trophy/Autumn Handicap Cup (Allcomers less Punts) / Brundall Cup / Handicap Points (Punts)
16.05 Slower Boats Handicap 1200 & over
Competing for Orange Tip Cup (U18)/ Wilson Tankard (18+)

2025 Tuesday evening sailing programme
The rescue boat leaves the staithe at 6:30 for those requiring a tow and racing commences at 7:00pm. Two races are held if weather conditions allow and hot drinks are available
Tuesday evening racing has been such a success that is it now the highlight of the week for the relatively small group that turn up without fail each week.
So why not come and join us for some wonderful evening racing.
These evenings are ideal for those who are building up confidence to race as the winds tend to be a little lighter than some Sundays. There are hot drinks and cookies or cake afterwards!
If the weather holds there may be the possibility of racing beyond the 1st August.
We will be organising a rota again this year for the duties.
If you are interested in joining you may also be asked to help out but as well as being a good grounding for starting to race, it will also be a good opportunity to practise OOD’s and rescue boat skills with someone to help you if you wish.
5.30 / 6.00 pm | OOD and Rescue people to arrive to set course, put out buoys and put on the kettle. OOD to bring out one pint of milk and biscuits if you wish. Tea, coffee, soup or hot chocolate provided in tea hut. |
6.15 pm | Rescue crew to go in ready for tow out. |
6.30 pm | Tow out. |
7.00 pm | First race or two races back to back. |
Hot drinks provided.